Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Infrared Detectors
Pharmaceutical production has higher requirement on quality and product safety, in both upstream and downstream areas,the sterile process engineering is a significant step in the cost-effectiveness and safety of the production processes. It's a critical quality factor that cleaning and sterilisation, contamination-free processing. Thus the measurement instrument in the process must have hygienic design and high measuring accuracy.

GMP compliant

XVYAN Measuring instruments are produced in workshop with the GMP guidelines (good manufacturing practice). They are able to meet the stringent requirements by customs demand.

  • FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
  • EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group)
  • 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc.
  • ASME BPE (Bio Processing Equipment)
  • ATEX (directive 94/9/EC)
  • Applications examples
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Life Science
  • Biotechnology processes
  • Dedical equipment 